Invited Lectureships. Updated 24 January 2018
A listing of other lectures, seminars, conference papers, and other academic and public presentations is available on demand.
2017 -- 14 September – Historische Museum Frankfurt -- Conference: 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht: Kampf, Kontext, Wirkung, 13.-15. September 2017, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Invited Plenary Lecture: “The Adventure of Women’s Suffrage Worldwide” (power-point illustrations).
2017 -- 21 March – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Invited Bi-Annual McMillan-Stewart Lecturer on Women in the Developing World. “Can the ‘Woman Question’ Be Answered? The Curious Case of France, 1400 to the Present.”
2016 – 8-9 October – Invited Featured Speaker, 5e Édition, Festival International des Écrits de Femmes - “Féminismes” [Fifth International Festival of Women’s Writing – “Feminisms”], Saint- Sauveur-en-Puisaye, France. Organized by the Maison de Colette. Spoke on important 19th century feminist women writers outside France (power-point illustrations).
2016 – 25-26 February – Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Two day Residency & Workshop on European Feminisms, 1700-1950. Sponsored by the BYU Women’s Studies Teaching and Research Group (WSTAR ).
2015 – 7-9 October – University of Oslo, Norway. Conference on Genres of Historical Writing at the Threshold of Modernity: Women in History. Invited Keynote lecture: “Women in History, ‘Women’s History’ and the Sexual Politics of Knowledge: The Case of France,”
2014 - 13-15 November – UNESCO, Paris. International colloquium: From the Balkans to the World: Going to War, 1914-1918 – A Local and Global Perspective. Invited Lecture: “How the International Women’s Organizations and their Allied Affiates ‘Entered’ the War, 1914-1915.”
2013 – 2 February – Institut Emilie du Châtelet, Paris, France. Featured speaker in monthly lecture series “Quarante ans de recherche sur les femmes, le sexe et le genre.” Videotaped, to be posted on the website.
2013 – 29 January – Institut des Sciences Politiques, Paris, France. Invited lecture, “Les Feminismes en Europe 1700-1950, une Histoire politique”.
2012 – 3 October – St. Mary’s College of Maryland, The Alice Fleury Zamanakos Endowed Lecture in History, “Why Women‘s Votes Count – Women’s Suffrage Worldwide” (power point illustrations)
2012 – 10 September – Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, “Understanding International Feminisms as “Transnational” – An Anachronism? May Wright Sewall and the Creation of the International Council of Women, 1889 to 1904”
2012 – 15 May – Invited speaker, University of Heidelberg, Germany, for the Baden-Württemberg Seminar of the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, “The French Connection: Building a Transatlantic Women’s Network, 1888-1893 (power-point illustrations)
2012 – 23 February – Invited speaker, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, “Adventures in Writing the History of the International Women’s Movement: Tracking Mlle Glaisette from Geneva to Paris to the League of Nations”
2012 – 16-17 February – Invited keynote speaker and commentator, international conference, “’A Success without Impact’? The Women’s Liberation Movement in Post ’68 Societies,” University of Bern, Switzerland
2012 – 9 January – Invited keynote speaker, Coordinating Council on Women in the Historical Profession (CCWH) annual luncheon at the American Historical Association, Chicago
2011 – 3-6 October – Invited lecture, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
2011 – 30 Sept.– 1 October – Invited paper, international conference on “Family Law and Early Women’s Rights Debates,” Leibnitz University of Hannover– Institut für Deutsches und Europäisches Privatrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Hannover, Germany
2011 – 19-20 May – Invited paper, international colloquium, “Les Féministes de la 1ère Vague: Actrices du Changement Social,” Institut des Sciences Politiques, Paris, France (power-point illustrated)
2011 – 12-13 May – Invited paper, international colloquium, “Global Challenges for Historical Research: Conference with International Experts,” House of Sciences and Letters, Helsinki, Finland
2010 – 18 May – Invited lecture, University of Ghent, Belgium
2009 – Invited speaker, conference on feminist memory and history, University of Lincoln, England. ; 8-11 September
2009 – Invited series speaker, Vassar College. ;28 April
2009 – Honored speaker, Presidential Plenary session on the state of French History, Society for French Historical Studies annual meeting, Washington University, St. Louis 26-28 March
200 – Invited speaker, Women’s Studies at the Huntington, 25th Anniversary Program, The Huntington Library, San Marino CA. 14 March
2008 – Keynote speaker, (power-point), IX Jornadas de Historia de las Mujeres y IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios de Género, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. 30 July - 1 August
2008 – Invited speaker, Journee d’Etude: “Existe-t-il un vote féminin?” Institut d’Études Politiques, ENS-LSH, Lyon, France. 27 June
2007 – Invited speaker, conference on “Gender History in Transnational Perspective,” honoring the retirement of Gisela Bock, Free University of Berlin, Germany. 5-6 October
2007 – Invited speaker, conference, “Women’s Participation in Democracies,” Casa de Mateus Conference Center, Portugal, and guest speaker on comparative women’s history, Institute for Political Studies, Lisbon. September
2007 – Keynote address (power-point), Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria. 8-12 August
2006 – Invited speaker, colloquium “Gender, Religion and Politics: the European networks of Josephine Butler,” The Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University. 17-18 November
2006 – Invited keynote speaker. “The Adventure of Women’s Suffrage Around the World, 1789-2000” (slide lecture). Conference commemorating “Spanish Women’s Suffrage 75th Anniversary: From Women’s Rights to Vote to Equality,” Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer, Junta de Andalusia, Seville, Spain. 18 October
2006 – Invited keynote speaker “The Adventure of Women’s Suffrage Around the World, 1789-2000” (slide lecture), in summer school course on “Clara Campoamor y el voto femenino.” Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cursos de Verano, at San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. 24-28 July
2005 – Invited lecture, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania “Civil Society, Gender Justice, and the History of European Feminisms” (slide lecture). 4 October
2005 – Plenary speaker, 8th Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, Turku, Finland. 12-14 August
2005 – Invited paper, International Congress on Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), Berlin. 25-30 July
2005 – Invited speaker, University of York, Conference honoring Jane Rendall’s Retirement. 23 July
005 – Invited paper: Conference on History for the 21st Century, Rotterdam. 16-17 June
005 – Keynote speaker, Conference: Women in a Changing World: The International Women’s Movement, 19th–20th Centuries, Centre d’Archives pour l’Histoire des Femmes (CARHIF), Brussels. 23 May
2005 – Invited Lecture, “Eruptions and Flows,” Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 20 May
2004 – Invited slide-lecture on the French women’s suffrage issue, Wellesley College; also taught a class based on an assortment of French feminist texts from the 1890s. 27 October
2004 – Invited Keynote Address: “Civil Society, Gender Justice, and the History of European Feminisms,” conference on Civil Society and Gender Justice: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung, Berlin. 9-11 July
2002 – Invited speaker (on the early history and accomplishments of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History), annual conference of Mnémosyne, the French Women’s History National Association, Paris, France. 5 October
2002 – Invited Speaker, Gosteli Foundation/Archive 20th Anniversary Celebration, Berne, Switzerland. 2 September
2002 – Invited presentations, joint course (televised) on the comparative history of feminisms, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 7-11 Apri l
2001 – Keynote Speaker, European Historians’ Luncheon, Southern Historical Association, New Orleans. 18 November
2001 – Keynote Speaker, Fourth Conference on Portuguese Women’s History, Porto, Portugal.
2000 – Keynote Speaker, Tenth Congress of Swiss Women Historians, Fribourg, Switzerland.
1999 – Keynote Speaker, First Conference on Eastern European Women’s History, European Humanities University, Minsk, Belarus.
1998 – Plenary Speaker, Conference on the Revolution of 1848, National Assembly, Paris, France. February
1997 – Plenary Speaker, Eleventh Biennial Conference, Australiasian Association of European Historians, Adelaide, Australia. July
1997 – Keynote Speaker, Spanish Association for Women’s History Conference (AIEHM), Cadiz, Spain. June
1993 – Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Women's Suffrage, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealan.
1991 – Norwegian Research Council/Scandinavian Universities Fall Lecture Tour (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland)
1991 – The Grace Martin Lecturer, University of Idaho
1990 – The Russell Lecturer, Alfred University
1989 – Keynote Speaker, Smithsonian Conference on Women and the Progressive Era, Washington, D. C.
1988 – The Dorothy Lambert Whisnant Lecturer in Women's History, Clemson University.